Configuration API - Expose sandbox public api [BETA]


Sandbox Public API [BETA] endpoints are for creating customer integrations using new sandboxes.

There is a concept of configuration id introduced. This is an additional identifier linking related entities in production company and sandbox(es). If integration hardcodes the configuration id of referenced object instead of entity id the actual entity id for the production/sandbox company (associated with the credentials) could be retrieved from the entity mapping. This allows for keeping the integration code intact while running it against production or sandboxes.

These are the new sandboxes endpoints:

  • getting list of available entity names [BETA]: /configuration/entity-mapping/entity-names
  • retrieve entity mappings by configuration id [BETA]: /configuration/entity-mapping/entity-name/{entityName}/by-configuration-id
  • retrieve entity mappings by entity id [BETA]: /configuration/entity-mapping/entity-name/{entityName}/by-entity-id


  • please be aware that these endpoints are [BETA] and can be changed or removed without prior warning.
  • department entity mappings currently available only using dedicated DEPARTMENT entity name. Not available as backing it JOB_PROPERTY.


There is no impact of this change on the users. New endpoints don't change any existing functionality but introduce a new one.

Also these endpoints are [BETA] and can be changed or removed without prior warning.
