
Introducing our new public API - Event Management API.
This API enables you to manage scheduling events within SmartRecruiters, allowing you to create, update, delete, and retrieve events. Additionally, you can manage event sessions and session attendees, including both interviewers and applicants.
Please note, as the Event Management feature is still under development, the public API may not fully align with the UI yet. We are actively working on this.
To use this API, you will need the following access scopes: event_management_read or event_management_write.


The Event Management API empowers you to handle events and sessions in SmartRecruiters, providing similar functionality to the UI.



SmartOnboard API endpoint to get all assignments expose additional optional property integrationKey for all types of assignments (ACTIVITY, WEB_FORM, FILLABLE_PDF_FORM)

2 new webhooks are added to SmartOnboard API to notify about integration-relevant assignments(with integrationKey defined) completion:

  • when single integration-relevant assignment is completed: onboarding.assignment.integration-relevant.completed
  • when all integration-relevant assignments are completed: onboarding.assignments.integration-relevant.completed

Additionally we have exposed an endpoint to retrieve particular assignment by assignment ID and onboarding ID.


The new property "integration key" allows users to track integration status of onboarding assignments.
The integration status field is exposed to recruiter UI to set and change. The field itself is optional and the API
allows filtering assignment that have this property.



Configuration API endpoints expose additional property sourceIdentifier for the following source related endpoints:

  • GET /configuration/sources/{sourceType}/values
  • GET /configuration/sources/{sourceType}/values/{sourceValueId}

The enhanced Source object structure with sourceIdentifier property

     type: object
       - id
       - sourceIdentifier
       - label
       - sourceSubType
       - actions
         type: string
         type: string
         format: uuid
         type: string
         $ref: '#/components/schemas/Identifiable'


The new property allows to obtain the source identifier for use with apply URL or posting URL every candidate you push to SmartRecruiters.
To know where the candidate came from you will need the sourcing identifier (TRID or SID).

Sourcing identifier is the query parameter at the end of apply / posting URL.

The URL have the following format:




We have added support for the location property for a Job Ad in the Jobs API.


Job Ad can be created, updated and retrieved with the location property.
This change is backward compatible. The location property in Job ad is optional.
If not provided, it will default to the Job location, following the current system behavior.



Due to SmartR service sunset (the extended opt-out period ended on Jun 19, 2024), it's no longer possible for
Application API clients to request and receive SmartR Join Url and Candidate Portal (SmartR) Url when creating an application.

The following changes have been made in the Application API - Post an Application endpoint:

  • createJoinLink property removed from request payload
  • smartrJoinUrl property removed from the response body
  • candidatePortalUrl property removed from response body


Requests with the createJoinLink property will be accepted, however its value will be ignored by the API.

There is no replacement for the smartrJoinUrl or candidatePortalUrl properties.
The link to the new solution (Applicant Tracking Portal) will be sent to the candidate via email.



We have fixed an issue in the Webhooks API where the activation of a subscription could fail due to an error in fetching the token needed for handshake authentication. Previously, this would result in a general 500 error. Now, the API will return a 424 HTTP status code if the token required for handshake authentication cannot be fetched during subscription activation.

The 424 HTTP status code was already used for handshake failures. With this change, authentication needed for the handshake is also treated as part of the handshake failure. From now on, instead of a general 500 error, a 424 error will be returned with the following response body:

  "errors": [
      "code": "HANDSHAKE_FAILED",
      "message": "[Fallback] Problem with getting token for subscription: 41a50be7-3edd-42a1-a302-bc7fca51d7c5"


This change is backward compatible, it does not introduce any new error codes, 424 was already returned in case of handshake failure.



We are excited to announce that our public API changelog is now available. This changelog will provide detailed information on all updates, fixes, and changes to our public APIs, ensuring that you are always informed about the latest developments.


There are no API changes associated with this entry. This is an informational update to inform you about the availability of the public API changelog.
