List audit events

Data collected via the Audit API will be retained at least 26 months. When eventDateAfter and eventDateBefore are not set, by default, the time range is set to the last 7 days. Below is the list of the events that are currently exposed in the API:

  • USER_ACCOUNT_ACTIVATED - user account has been activated, user can now login to the system
  • USER_ACCOUNT_CREATED - user account has been created, in order to log in to the system account has to be activated first
  • USER_ACCOUNT_DEACTIVATED - user account has been deactivated, logging possibility disabled for the user
  • USER_ACCOUNT_UPDATED - user account has been modified
  • USER_AUTHENTICATION_INVALID_CREDENTIALS - user authentication failed due to invalid credentials.
    Additional context represents the type of the authentication method:
context: {
    authenticationType: "PASSWORD"
  • USER_AUTHENTICATION_SUCCESS - user authentication succeeded
    Additional context represents the type of the authentication method:
context: {
    authenticationType: "PASSWORD",
    officeName: "string" //Optional
  • USER_PASSWORD_CHANGED - user password has been changed
  • USER_PASSWORD_RESET - user password has been reset
  • USER_ROLE_CHANGED - user role has been changed,
    Additional context represents previous and current role of the user:
context: {
    currentRole: "RESTRICTED",
    previousRole: "STANDARD"
  • USER_API_KEY_RENEWED - user api-key has been renewed
  • CREDENTIALS_CREATED - api-key or OAuth credentials has been renewed
  • CREDENTIALS_CHANGED - api-key or OAuth credentials has been modified
  • CREDENTIALS_REVOKED - api-key or OAuth credentials has been modified
    Additional context represents credential type:
context: {
    credentialType: "string"
  • SEARCH - user performed search
    For entityType CANDIDATE additional context represents candidate search event:
context: {
    keyword: [
    jobTitles: [
        "Software Engineer"
    jobNames: [
        "Java Developer, San Francisco"
    companies: [
    schools: [
        "University of Science and Technology"
  • JOB_DELETED - job was deleted
    Additional context represents the deleted job:
context: {
    jobName: "string",
    jobRefNumber: "string"
  • HIRING_TEAM_MEMBER_ADDED - a new member was added to the hiring team of the job
    Additional context represents the new member:
context: {
    userId: "string",
    roleId: "string",
    roleName: "string"
  • HIRING_TEAM_MEMBER_REMOVED - a member was removed from the hiring team of the job
    Additional context represents the removed member:
context: {
    userId: "string"
  • HIRING_TEAM_ROLE_UPDATED - role of one of the hiring team members was updated
    Additional context represents previous and current role of the updated member:
context: {
    userId: "string",
    previousRoleId: "string",
    previousRoleName: "string",
    currentRoleId: "string",
    currentRoleName: "string"
  • APPROVAL_DELEGATION_FROM_USER_CREATED - a user created an approval delegation

  • APPROVAL_DELEGATION_FROM_USER_CANCELLED - a user cancelled an approval delegation

  • APPROVAL_DELEGATION_TO_USER_CREATED - an approval delegation to a user (a delegate) has been created

  • APPROVAL_DELEGATION_TO_USER_CANCELLED - an approval delegation to a user (a delegate) has been created

    Additional context represents approval delegation event's details:

    context: {
        originalApproverId: "string",
        delegateApproverId: "string",
        startDate: date,
        endDate: date
  • JOB_APPROVAL_REQUESTED - a job approval was requested
    Additional context represents approval modified event's details:

comment: {
  text: 'string',
  authorId: 'string',
  date: 'string',

context: {
    comments: [comment]
  • JOB_APPROVAL_APPROVED - a job approval was approved
    Additional context represents approval modified event's details:
comment: {
  text: 'string',
  authorId: 'string',
  date: 'string',

context: {
    comments: [comment]
  • JOB_APPROVAL_REJECTED - a job approval was rejected
    Additional context represents approval modified event's details:
comment: {
  text: 'string',
  authorId: 'string',
  date: 'string',

context: {
    comments: [comment]
  • JOB_APPROVAL_ABANDONED - a job approval was abandoned
    Additional context represents approval modified event's details:
comment: {
  text: 'string',
  authorId: 'string',
  date: 'string',

context: {
    comments: [comment]
  • OFFER_APPROVAL_APPROVED - an offer approval was approved

  • OFFER_APPROVAL_REJECTED - an offer approval was rejected

  • OFFER_APPROVAL_ABANDONED - an offer approval was abandoned

    Additional context represents approval event's details.
    type is one of the values:

    • sequential - consent of every approver is required, approval requests are sent one by one in a defined order.
    • parallel - all approvers can approve at the same time.

    decisionMode is one of the values:

    • all - consent of every approver is required
    • any - consent of a single approver is enough
decision: {
  decidedOn: integer,
  decision: 'string',
  decidedBy: 'string',
  userId: 'string'
context: {
  approvalRequestId: 'string'
  approvers: [decision]
  type: 'string',
  decisionMode: 'string'
  • JOB_APPROVAL_STEP_APPROVED - a job approval step was approved by author
  • JOB_APPROVAL_STEP_REJECTED - a job approval step was rejected by author
    Additional context represents approval step modified event's details:
context: {
    approver: 'string'
    comment: 'string'
  • JOB_APPROVAL_STEP_SKIPPED - an author skipped approver for a job approval step

  • OFFER_APPROVAL_STEP_APPROVED - an offer approval step was approved by author

  • OFFER_APPROVAL_STEP_REJECTED - an offer approval step was rejected by author

  • OFFER_APPROVAL_STEP_SKIPPED - an author skipped approver for an offer approval step

    Additional context represents approval step modified event's details:

context: {
    approvalRequestId: "string"
    approver: "string",
    reasonId: "string",
    comment: "string"
  • JOB_APPROVAL_STEP_DELEGATED - job approval step was delegated to new approver

  • OFFER_APPROVAL_STEP_DELEGATED - job approval step was delegated to new approver

    Additional context represents approval step delegated event's details:

context: {
    approvalRequestId: "string"
    originalApproverId: "string",
    delegateApproverId: "string"
  • OFFER_ACCEPTED - offer was accepted. Returns viaIntegration which is set to true if offer was accepted via third party integration like Docusign
context: {
    viaIntegration: "boolean"
  • OFFER_DECLINED - offer was declined. Returns viaIntegration which is set to true if offer was accepted via third party integration like Docusign
context: {
    viaIntegration: "boolean"
  • CANDIDATE_PERSONAL_DATA_MODIFIED - Candidate personal data were modified. Only Web Application actions are audited. Event doesn't cover Customer API. Personal data covers:

    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • E-mail
    • Phone
    • Location
    • Phone Number
    • Social Links (Skype Id, Indeed Id, Twitter account, LinkedIn profile, Facebook profile, Websites)
  • CANDIDATE_PROFILE_MODIFIED - Candidate profile data were modified. Only Web Application actions are audited. Event doesn't cover Customer API and Mobile application.

  • CANDIDATE_DELETED - Candidate was deleted. The authorType property can be used to distinguish deletion nature. Following values are possible:

    • USER - candidate was deleted by user
    • SYSTEM - candidate was deleted by compliance mechanism (due to retention period end or lack of consent)
    • CANDIDATE - candidate deleted oneself
  • CANDIDATE_PROFILE_OPENED - Candidate profile was opened by user. Only Web Application actions are audited. Event doesn't cover Customer API and Mobile application.

  • CANDIDATE_EEO_FILLED - Missing Candidate EEO informations were filled by user.

  • CANDIDATE_PROFILE_UPDATED_DUE_TO_MERGE - candidate profile updated due to merge.
    Additional context with id of duplicated candidate profile:

context: {
    mergedProfileId: "string"
  • CANDIDATE_DELETED_DUE_TO_MERGE - candidate profile deleted due to merge.
    Additional context with id of master candidate profile:
context: {
    masterProfileId: "string"
  • CANDIDATE_TAGS_MODIFIED - candidate tags have been modified. It means that tags have been added, replaced or deleted from the profile.

    The additional context contains the tags that are assigned to the candidate after the successful operation.

    context: {
        tags: "string"
  • APPLICATION_PROPERTIES_UPDATED - application properties updated.
    Additional context with id of updated properties:

context: {
    updatedPropertiesIds: "string",
    updatedPropertiesKeys: "string"
  • APPLICATION_SOURCE_MODIFIED - community or job application source has been changed.

    The additional context contains the old and new source identifier after the successful operation.

    context: {
        previousSource: "string",
        nextSource: "string"
  • ONBOARDING_STATUS_UPDATED - onboarding status updated. Please note that for this event, the application ID must be used as the entity_id parameter for the Audit API. The candidate ID will not work in this case.
    Additional context with ids of values:

context: {
    fromValueId: "string",
    toValueId: "string"
  • JOB_APPLICATION_CREATED - job application created. Currently, we are auditing only actions undertaken by an employee.
    Additional context with ids of values:
context: {
    currentStatus: "string"
  • JOB_APPLICATION_STATE_MODIFIED - job application state modified. Currently, we are auditing only actions undertaken by an employee or system user.
    Additional context with ids of values:
context: {
    currentStatus: "string",
    currentStep: "string", //optional, might not be returned if lack of configured step
    previousStatus: "string",
    previousStep: "string" //optional, might not be returned if lack of configured step
  • LRSC_CONSENT_GIVEN - Consent for data exchange within LinkedIn Recruiter System Connect integration was given.
  • OAUTH_APPLICATION_ACCESS_GRANTED - Access to OAuth application was granted to given user.
    Additional context represents grant's details:
context: {
    applicationId: "string",
    applicationName: "string",
    startDate: "date-time",
    endDate: "date-time"

JOBPROPERTY* events audit changes from both Web Application on Job Field Settings page and Configuration API unless otherwise indicated.

  • JOB_PROPERTY_CREATED - a job property was created.
  • JOB_PROPERTY_ACTIVATED - a job property was activated.
  • JOB_PROPERTY_DEACTIVATED - a job property was deactivated.
  • JOB_PROPERTY_UPDATED - a job property was updated.
    Additional context represents current and previous job property:
property: {
  id: "string",
  label: "string",
  category: "string",
  active: boolean,
  visible: boolean,
  required: boolean
context: {
    currentProperty: property,
    previousProperty: property
  • JOB_PROPERTY_UPDATED_VALUES - values in job property were updated. Only actions from UI are audited within this event.
    Additional context represents updated current and previous values:
value: {
  id: "string",
  label: "string",
  archived: boolean
context: {
    currentValues: [value],
    previousValues: [value]
  • JOB_PROPERTY_UPDATED_VALUE - a job property value was updated (changed label, (un)archived). Only actions from Configuration API are audited. These actions from UI are audited within JOB_PROPERTY_UPDATED_VALUES event.
    Additional context represents updated current and previous value:
context: {
    currentValue: value,
    previousValue: value
  • JOB_PROPERTY_ADDED_VALUE - a value was added to a job property. Only actions from Configuration API are audited. These actions from UI are audited within JOB_PROPERTY_UPDATED_VALUES event.
    Additional context represents added value:
 context: {
    value: [value]
  • JOB_PROPERTY_ARCHIVED_VALUE - a job property value was archived. Only actions from Configuration API are audited. These actions from UI are audited within JOB_PROPERTY_UPDATED_VALUES event.
    Additional context represents archived value id:
context: {
    valueId: "string"
  • JOB_PROPERTY_DEPENDENT_PROPERTIES_UPDATED - job property dependents were updated.
    Additional context represents updated dependent properties:
context: {
    currentDependents: ["string"],
    previousDependents: ["string"]
  • JOB_PROPERTY_DEPENDENT_VALUES_UPDATED - job property dependent values were updated.
    Additional context represents added or updated dependent values:
dependentValue: {
  "parent": {
    "id": "string",
    "label": "string"
  "values": [value],
  "valuesIds": ["string"]

context: {
    dependentId: "string",
    currentDependentValues: [dependentValue],
    previousDependentValues: [dependentValue]
  • JOB_PROPERTY_DEPENDENT_VALUES_MODIFIED - job property dependent values were modified
    Additional context represents modified dependent values:

context: {
 dependentId: "string",
 modifications: {
   "valuesSet": {
     "string": ["string"]
    "valuesAppended": {
      "string": ["string"]
    "valuesRemoved": {
     "string": ["string"]
    "parentValuesWithAllValuesSet": ["string"],
    "clearedOtherParentValues": boolean
  • JOB_PROPERTIES_CHANGED - job details has changed (job fields edited on job)
fieldValue: {
  "fieldId": "string",
  "value": "string"
context: {
  "previousProperties": [fieldValue],
  "currentProperties": [fieldValue]
  • POSITION_UPDATED - when position is updated
  • POSITION_DELETED - when position is deleted
  • POSITION_CREATED - when position is created
  • POSITION_ASSIGNED - when position is assigned
  • CANCEL_NOT_FILLED_POSITION - when not filled position is cancelled
position: {
  id: 'string',
  positionId: 'string',
  status: 'string',
  openDate: 'date',
  targetStartDate: 'date',
  type: 'string'
context: {
  previous: position,
  current: position
  • JOB_AD_CREATED - when job ad is created
location: {
  country: 'string'
  countryCode: 'string'
  regionCode: 'string'
  region: 'string'
  city: 'string'
  address: 'string'
  postalCode: 'string'
  longitude: 'string'
  latitude: 'string'
  manual: boolean
jobAd: {
  id: 'string',
  title: 'string',
  visibility: 'string',
  creatorId: 'string',
  modifierId: 'string',
  createDate: 'string',
  location: location,
  sections: 'string',
  languageId: 'string',
  applyUrl: 'string'
context: {
  jobAd: jobAd
  • JOB_AD_UPDATED - when job ad is updated

  context: {
    previous: jobAd,
    current: jobAd

  • JOB_AD_DELETED - when job ad is deleted

  context: {
    jobAdId: 'string',
    employeeId: 'string'

  • ONBOARDING_PROCESS_DELETED - when an Onboarding Process is deleted from SmartOnboard

  context: {
    deletionReason: 'string'

  • CUSTOMER_REPORT_DOWNLOADED - when a report is downloaded Additional context with ids of values:
context: {
    reportFileId: 'string',
    reportId: 'string'
} ```

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