Shares new messages on Hireloop with Users, Hiring Teams or Everyone and sends emails.

How does it work:

  • In content field, provide a text to be shared.
  • @-mention users to send them an email
    • In content field use @[USER:id] to mention a User, e.g. @[USER:324132421]
  • Email responses are added as comments to your update
  • #-tag candidates to link updates to their profiles
    • In content field use #[CANDIDATE:id] to tag a candidate, e.g. #[CANDIDATE:9847954623]
  • Use shareWith to share a feed update with individuals, hiring teams or everyone
    • In users field, provide an array of User IDs with which you want to share, e.g. "users": ["12343542356","12343542357"].
    • In hiringTeamOf field, provide an array of Job IDs, this will share message with a full hiring team of those jobs, e.g. "hiringTeamOf": ["123423432322","123423432324"].
    • everyone flag allows sharing with everyone in a company. If not provided, defaults to false.
    • openNote flag allows sharing with everyone in a company that has access to the candidate. If not provided, defaults to false
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!