

Assessment API Sunset

This API has been deprecated since September 4, 2023. The sunset date is May 10, 2024. If you are an assessment provider or looking to build an assessment integration with SmartRecruiters, please consider using the new Assessment API (2021).


    "id": "511a3942300469a9c33819d8",
    "createDate": "2013-03-08T09:53:44.863+0000",
    "title": "Enterprise Java Beans test results",
    "description": "Mr. Jet Li demonstrated outstanding Java Skills and we believe he will be a great Senior Java Developer",
    "passed": true,
    "score": "98/100",
    "resultType": "URL",
    "result": "",
    "author": {
        "firstName": "John",
        "lastName": "Mnemonic",
        "email": "",
        "phone": "(123) 321 32 1231"

Fields description

idstringunique id of an assessment result
createDatedatecreate date of this assessment result
titlestringtitle of result
descriptionstringfree text description of result
Allowed HTML tags:
a, img, strong, b, em, i, u, p, ol, ul, li, pre, code, blockquote, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5

Supported attributes:
href, src, width, height, alt, title, target, class, rel
passedbooleanindicator if a test was passed. possible values are: true, false
scorestringfree text indicating the score that candidate get
resultTypestringtype of the passed result; when left empty, defaults to ‘document’; available values: document, videoStream, videoURL, URL, generatedURL
resultstringdepending on the resultType:
– ‘resultType’ = URL, videoURL -> ‘result’ contains a URL (validation is performed)
– ‘resultType’ = videoStream -> ‘result’ contains a video player HTML
– ‘resultType’ = document, generatedURL -> ‘result’ is ignored
authorstringauthor of the result. Instance of ContactPerson