Data transfer endpoints
Data transfer endpoints are used to download the actual report file data. The data format is text/csv.
Data Transfer
We use chunked transfer encoding for all successful requests to the data transfer endpoints. It means that we will stream the data in chunks of variable size.
Data Compression
In order to improve transfer speed and bandwidth utilization, client may request compressed content. In order to to this, the additional HTTP request header Accept-Encoding: gzip has to be specified with the HTTP request.
Note: if the HTTP request header Accept-Encoding: gzip has been specified, the HTTP response content is gzip/binary (the Content-Encoding: gzip HTTP response header indicates compressed content) and has to be uncompressed on client side before further processing.
Download Most Recent Report File
Use this endpoint to download the most recent report file of a specific report.
GET /reports/{reportId}/files/recent/data
Download Report File
Use this endpoint to download a specific report file.
GET /files/{reportFileId}/data
Updated almost 3 years ago