Attach files to results


Assessment API Sunset

This API has been deprecated since September 4, 2023. The sunset date is June 10, 2024. If you are an assessment provider or looking to build an assessment integration with SmartRecruiters, please consider using the new Assessment API (2021).

For a resultType = document you should attach files to the assessment results through the following endpoint: /assessments/{assessmentOrderId}/results/{resultId}/attachments

Note: This is a required step if you’ve selected resultType = document. If a file is not attached, the result for a SmartRecruiters customer will not be displayed.

Attach files to an assessment result

The following HTTP POST request can be sent to attach the file to your assessment result. The API looks for a part containing the “attachment” control name in the multipart/form-data content type.

Example curl request will look like this:

curl -i
     -H "X-SmartToken:abc123"
     -F "attachment=@JavaTestScore.pdf;type=application/pdf"
     -X POST

And here’s an example POST request to send the attachment file:

POST /assessments/511a3942300469a9c33819d1/results/511a3942300469a9c33819d1/attachments HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------7d44e178b0434
Content-Length: 178532
Accept: application/json;charset-UTF8
X-SmartToken: abc123
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="attachment"; filename="JavaTestScore.pdf"
Content-Type: application/pdf


Check the files attached to the assessment result

All files attached to a particular assessment result can be checked using the following GET request:

curl -i
     -H "X-SmartToken: abc123"
     -X GET

Response Body:

    "limit": 10,
    "offset": 0,
    "totalFound": 3,
    "content": [
            "id": "511a3942300469a9c33819d8",
            "createDate": "2013-03-13T14:44:24.108+0000",
            "lastUpdateDate": "2013-03-15T10:20:12.108+0000",
            "fileName": "JetLi_JavaTest.pdf"
            "id": "333a3942300469a9c33819d8",
            "createDate": "2013-03-13T14:44:24.108+0000",
            "lastUpdateDate": "2013-03-15T10:20:12.108+0000",
            "fileName": "JetLi_EjbTest.pdf"
            "id": "333a3942300469a9c3381aaa",
            "createDate": "2013-03-13T14:44:24.108+0000",
            "lastUpdateDate": "2013-03-15T10:20:12.108+0000",
            "fileName": "JetLi_RubyTest.pdf"

The response will contain a ListResult object with a list of AssessmentResultAttachment objects.